The Priesthood - How men are Called - Foreordination - the Pre-existence Alma 13-16
Attention Activity - Foreordination Rest of the Lord
What will happen if you drop a pencil? It will fall. Ask the class to watch as you drop a pencil (on the table, floor, or podium). Did it fall? Yes, it behaved according to the laws that goven pencils.
Did I make the pencil fall? No, it behaved according to the law, and its nature. It was in a situation (or location–the air) where pencils fall, and it did so. In the same way, there are laws that goven us. There are situations in which people act according to their natures and fall.
Did I make the pencil fall? Yes, in one way I did... I placed the pencil into a state whereby the laws of nature acted upon it and caused it to fall.
Does god place us into situations where we will fall and have no chance for salvation? No
Tie a string around the pencil and drop it... does it fall yes, to the ground no. Can God using his foreknowledge and all power modify the situation so all of us will not fail? If not why?
What does this do to agency?
Though God knows your nature and how you will react in every situation, he does not cause your reaction, nor does he stop you from using your angency to make your own choices. Knowledge of a future event does not cause the event, nor does he use his knowledge to adjust the situation to nullify our agency. God is perfectly just, merciful and must not remove our agency through the use of his power/knowledge. He can however help us if we have the spirit in our lives to wan us of situations and empower us to be able to overcome whatever temptation is placed in our path. This help also only based upon our own agency and choice to seek after this knowledge and power.
One of the ways he can empower us is through the use of the "Power of the Priesthood" In this lesson we will discuss God's Foreordination of an individual as well as his plan of salvation by which that individual can be empowered and helped to avail himself of the atonement and receive etenal life.
Have you ever read Alma Chapter 13 and wondered what is going on?
It is sometimes considered one of the more difficult chapters to understand.
Let us study this chapter together and see if we can come to an understanding of what he is talking about.
Before we can study Alma chapter 13 let us review some background of what is going on...
Alma saw that Amulek had silenced Zeezrom so he continued to explain to the people more fully what Amulek had taught.
Alma 12:9-11 Alma explained to Amulek that people teaching the gospel can only teach the portion of his word that he grants to them
those that don't harden their hearts - receive the greater portion - until they know God's mysteries in Full
What does it mean that people who harden their hearts eventually know nothing concening God and his mysteries?
Does an individual actually loose the knowledge of God that he once had?
Yes!Alma then taught concening the resurrection and that all both good and evil will once again be brought to stand before God to be judged of their thoughts words and works!
Alma 12:13-18 If our hearts have been hardened then we shall be condemned
15 we must come forth and stand - and acknowledge that his judgments are just
16 then cometh a second death - separation from God forever
18 they shall be as though no redemption had been made! - seeing that they cannot die
Alma teaches of the fall of man and that through the fall death comes upon all mankind - if no plan of salvation we would have all been damned!
Alma 12:22-24 Adam fell by eating forbidden fruit - all mankind became lost and fallen - space appointed probationary state for men to prepare to meet God
Alma 12:26-28 If Adam had partaken of tree of life - they would have been miserable forever - no probationary state - appointed unto men to die - then judgment - men taught of these things
Alma 12:29-33 God sent angels to converse with them - taught them the plan of redemption - made known to them the plan of redemption - gave them commandments - told them to repent
Alma teaches of the final state of the righteous and the wicked - enter into God's rest or not!
Alma 12:34-37 Whosoever repents shall have claim on mercy - through the Son - receive a remission of their sins - and shall enter into his rest
Let us enter into the Rest of the Lord!
Now let us look at Alma chapter 13 and see what Alma is talking about...
Alma 13:1-2 I would cite your minds
to the time when the Lord God gave these commandments to his childrenthese priests were ordained after this order - in a manner thereby the people might know in what manner to look
forward to the Son for Redemption
This is the purpose and topic of Chapter 13 - Write this on the board these two points
#1 How can we look to the Son and receive a remission of our sins.
#2 The way by which priests are ordained is a type/shadow of how we can look to the Son for a remission of our sins!
This whole chapter also has a Hebraic Poetic form that if we look at it can help us understand what Alma is trying to teach see the following:
Hand out or have already handed out the Poetic form of Chapter 13
Couplet #1
I would cite your minds Forward (1)
A Ordained Priests after his Holy Order The Order of his son (1)
A Those priests were ordained (2)
Prophetic Perfect Tense:
Hebrew Verbs: Hebrew Grammar
Number - multiple subjects
Gender - the gender of the referent
Voice - relationship to the subject (active, passive, middle)
Aspect - Simple, Intensive, Causal
Tense - no tense in verbs - past/present/future determined by context
Strong/Weak - Complete Absolute, Possible Probable - letter choice...
I would cite your minds Forward - past tense gave these commandments unto his children
These priests were ordained in the past after the order of the son - like we look forward to the Son for Redemption
This is a type/shadow as in the way that high priests were selected chosen and called to this calling as a sure thing before they were even bon!
This is then described more fully in the rest of the poem!
Before we read this though... What is the manner of ordination in our church in the latter days?
Article of Faith #5
Called of God - by Prophecy
Laying on of Hands
Those in authority - to preach and administer the ordinances
Why does it say that men are called of god by prophecy?
What does that mean?
Only those who have authority can give authority to others - and this must be done through inspiration/revelation and the laying on of hands!
#1 Boyd K Packer - Called of God by Prophecy:
BYU Speech 27 Mar 1973Prompting
- often a prompting to an individual even before the call is given - they know its coming or to the caller confirmation of the individualTest
- a trial/test that comes before/during the service in the calling that provides preparation/enlargement of the individualSustaining power
- With the setting apart comes an endowment of power and inspiration to the individual - to ensure the success of the individual.Couplet #2
#2 Men are called and prepared from the foundation of the world - according to foreknowledge of God
In the pre-existence individuals were given training and preparation and received a calling to specific stewardships before they were even bon. All of this based upon the foreknowledge of God. God knowing the individual, knowing what choices they will make, knowing the proper just/merciful response to those choices and based upon laws already predicated called them to these stewardships. His knowledge and power although omnipotent, and all knowing does not allow him to take away the agency of man, nor constrain them to the proper behavior through his manipulation of the environment/situation of the individual.
In the Pre-existence
Initially all of us were in the same state
Abraham 3:18-19 two spirits - one more intelligent than the other - etenal - I the Lord am more intelligent than them all.
Section 93:30-32 all truth is independent in that sphere - as all intelligence agency/condemnation of man from beginning truth plainly manifest - they receive not the light - every spirit witch receiveth not the light is under condemnation
Section 93:38 every spirit was innocent in the beginning - God having redeemed man from the fall men became again innocent before God
Can a man sin in the Pre-existence?
2nd Peter 2:4 God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell
What is the Preparatory redemption for such mean?
"It is very evident that this was the belief of the people in the days of the Savior. Even the Apostles and those with Jesus evidently believed in the pre-existence of man. This is manifest from a certain question which they put to Jesus on the occasion of a blind man making his appearance before him. They said to him, “Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was bon blind?” In other words, did this man sin before he was bon, and in consequence of his sin was he bon blind? Or was it that his father sinned that he was bon blind? This question would have been very foolish to put to the Savior, unless they had believed in the pre-existence of man. But they not only did believe it, they also believed it possible for man to sin in that pre-existence, and that the penalty of that sin might be carried down to this state of existence, and be the cause of blindness at birth, and with that belief they put the question to the Savior. That would have been a very favorable opportunity for him to have corrected them, if their ideas about pre-existence had been false.
He could have tuned to them and said, he could not have sinned before he was bon
, and that be the cause that he was bon blind, because he had no previous existence. But he said no such thing, he replied, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the glory of God might be made manifest.”#4 If there was sin in the pre-existence - there was a preparatory redemption for such
We know that through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Saviour we were able to receive our second estate whereas those who did not did not receive a remission of their sins and are currently damned and devils.
Thus the pre-existence mirrors this existence in that through the atonement - in the future of Jesus Christ we were able to receive an innocent state/blameless before God as we enter into our second estate.
Thus we are all once again at the same state - and we in this live will progress based upon our use of our agency and the rejection of light and knowledge as we did in the pre-existence.
#5 Doctrine of Foreordination:
All of us were prepared before we were bon for the callings we would have in this life. Section 138:56
Everyone who has a calling to minister was ordained to that calling in spirit world.
Foreordination does not guarantee that individuals will receive the calling or responsibility
They were foreordained to these callings in according to their faith in the spirit world. Alma 13:3-4
This doctrine is all based upon the foreknowledge of God – he knows all
The doctrine of foreordination applies to all members of the Church, not just to the Savior and His prophets. Before the creation of the earth, faithful women were given certain responsibilities and faithful men were foreordained to certain priesthood duties. As people prove themselves worthy, they will be given opportunities to fulfill the assignments they then received.
Couplet #3
A Ordained after this manner(8)
How is the calling, ordinance and high priesthood without beginning or end?
Why does it mean that they are high priests forever?
What does it me from etenity to etenity? (7)
There is one etenity - before we were bon - and another etenity after we are resurrected. This is what it means from etenity to etenity. From the beginning of time to the end of time and with continuation.
Notice the reverse order in which he explains these two principles as stated above - #1 #2 #2 #1 standard hebraic patten
#2 The way by which priests are ordained is a type/shadow of how we can look to the Son for a remission of our sins!
How did they then enter into the "Rest" of the Lord?
Alma 13:10-12
11 They were called after his holy order - sanctified, and garments(bodies) were washed white through the blood of the lamb.
12 After being sanctified by the Holy Ghost - and garments made pure - they could not look upon sin except with abhorrence - entered into rest of the Lord
Notice the Interesting fact that he says that there are many who were made high priests of God.
These ordinances were given after this manner - that the people might look forward on the son of God
It being a type of his order
That they might look forward to him for a remission of their sins
That they might enter into the rest of the Lord
I wish from the inmost part of my heart - with great anxiety unto pain that you would cast off your sins
humble yourself before the Lord
call upon his holy name n be led by the Holy spirit - may the Lord grant unto you repentance!
Thus Alma gives a type through the doctrine of foreordination how individuals can look to Christ and receive a remission of their sins!
Poetic Form:
I would cite your minds Forward (1)
The Results of Alma's Teaching:
They took them before the chief judge of the land
Zeezrom astonished by the lies being used to attempt to destroy Alma and Amulek - Believers Buned by fire
Alma 14:6-13 Zeezrom was astonished - he began to cry unto the people I am guilty
9 They bring Alma and Amulek to the place of martyrdom that they might witness
10 Amulek also pained - how can we witness this - let us stretch forth our hands and save them!
11 Spirit constrains me that I must not save them - they are received into glory - judgements just on these men
12 Will they bun us also?
13 Be it according to God's will - but our work is not finished
Why does the Lord allow the wicked to do their wickedness to the righteous?
How do you think this made Alma and Amulek feel - having taught and converted these people?
Many have said that this is evidence that there is no God... is this the case?
What do we lean from this experience of Alma and Amulek?
The imprisonment of Alma and Amulek!
They are thrown into prison, they are beaten, mocked, food withheld from them, water withheld from them, clothes taken from them, bound with strong cords, for many days. After all the judges blasphemed God and smote them, The power of God was upon Alma and Amulek they stood and cried with a Loud Voice!
Alma 14:26-29
They break the cords and the judges flee - with the fear of destruction coming upon them
All of them are killed with the destruction of the prison - Alma and Amulek walk out
All the people flee from them
Alma and Amulek Heal Zeezrom
Alma 15:3-11 Alma takes him by the hand and prays - he is healed and preaches to the people from that time forth
Amulek goes with Alma - having forsaken all for the gospels sake
Alma 15:16,18 Amulek forsook all his gold, silver and precious things - Alma took him to his own house and administered unto him in his tribulations and strengthened him
What might we be required to forsake for the gospels sake?
What would you give up in order to maintain your faith?
The Holy Order of God - BYU Religious Studies - Robert L. Millet
Premortality - a Glorious Reality - October 1985
Salvation for the Dead - April 1975
“And this is the manner after which they were ordained—being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God, on account of their exceeding faith and good works [remember, this faith and works you demonstrated while you were still in the premortal world]; in the first place being left to choose good or evil; therefore they having chosen good, and exercising exceeding great faith, are called with a holy calling … which was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption for such.” (Alma 13:3.)
Thus, you and your fathers were reserved to be bon at a time and in a place where you could not fail to hear the gospel preached and accept the holy priesthood. Thus, a preparatory redemption was made for you through a priesthood heritage from your fathers and mothers.
Andrew Skinner - Temple Worship
…all things in our premortal existence were done in accord with a preparatory redemption. That is to say,
the atonement of Jesus Christ already operated on our behalf in premortality in preparation for our mortal sojoun
. His infinite and etenal atonement – meaning it was effective both before and after mortality – made it possible for us to enter mortality without stain or guilt, unmarred, bon with a clean slate, so to speak. The Lord put it more powerfully: “Every spirit of man was innocent in the beginning; and God having redeemed man from the fall, men became again, in their infant state, innocent before God” (D&C 93:38). From the beginning of mortal life on this earth it was revealed that the atonement of Jesus Christ operated from the “foundation of the world” (Moses 6:54; see also 7:47). (p. 39)If the Atonement was in operation during our premortal existence, then, does that mean sin was to be found during that phase of our existence? It certainly seems possible
. Elder Orson Pratt, writing about the nature of sin in our premortal existence, said that “among the two-thirds [of God’s spirit children] who remained, it is highly probable that, there were many who were not valiant . . ., but whose sins were of such a nature that they could be forgiven through faith in the future sufferings of the Only Begotten of the Father, and through their sincere repentance and reformation. We see no impropriety in Jesus offering Himself as an acceptable offering and sacrifice before the Father to atone for the sins of His brethren, committed not only in the second, but also in the first estate.” (p. 51)Some Additional Thoughts:
Preparatory redemption
The very phrase, “preparatory redemption,” seems to be paradoxical: a redemption implies some sort of completion, while preparatoriness implies a lack of completion. In other words, a “preparatory redemption” would be a completion that is marked with incompletion because it points towards another completion still to come. The word “preparatory” even hints that eventual completion will be of the same general character as the incomplete completion of the present: this redemption is to give way to a fuller, more real redemption eventually. But as soon as the issue is phrased this way, the difficulty disappears, or at least becomes part of a broader scriptural theme: redemption is always granted first in a preparatory manner and eventually in a complete manner. Perhaps the clearest parallel to Alma’s phrase here is Paul’s word to the Ephesians: “ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the eanest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession” (see Eph 1:13-14). Paul speaks to the saints of having received a redemption of sorts, but one that is ultimately preparatory, separated from its eventual fulfillment (“redemption”) by a promise, by hope.
This gap between two redemptions (the one promising or pointing towards the other) might well be read in terms of ritual as well: ordinances are dramatic enactments of a redemption still to come. Every ordinance might well be called a “preparatory redemption” in the same sense discussed immediately above. That some sort of ordinance–some sort of dramatic enactment of one’s redemption–is what Alma might be talking about is further suggested (and greatly strengthened) by the fact that this “preparatory redemption” is there described as that according to which and with which a “holy calling” was prepared. The implication seems to be that Alma is speaking of an ordinance that at once dramatically embodies one’s redemption and issues a “holy calling” to the participant. What Latter-day Saints call the endowment might not be far from Alma’s mind.