I Will Tell You in Your Mind and in Your Heart, by the Holy Ghost
The purpose of this lesson is to help us understand and recognize personal revelation that comes from God through the Holy Ghost, and how we should seek this revelation in our lives. It is to show to the individual that there is only
way by which a person can learn "Truth" and that means is through revelation from GOD. It is also to show that we do not need and will not be given all "Truth" in this life, but rather are to live by faith/belief and make our choices based upon these beliefs to prove ourselves in this life.Perhaps you have asked yourself one of these questions during your lifetime:
- How can I know when I have received a revelation and not just a thought of my own?
- What is the difference between a prompting and a stray thought... or is there?
- What is an "Insight" or "Prompting" and how do we get them?
- Do I have to have a "Burning" bosom before its revelation? What is a Burning bosom anyway?
- Is personal revelation "Emotion"/"Enthusiasm" based only - meaning we gain truth through "Feelings" only?
- Is knowledge through "Feelings" what we are teaching here? What is the difference?
- Can the devil place thoughts in our mind as well - how do we know the difference?
- Is personal revelation a "Subjective personal experience" or a means to gain truth?
Let us begin with a few definitions:
What is "Truth" and how can one find the "Truth"?
The dictionary definition of "Truth" is: John 18:38, Mosiah 8:17
A fact or belief that is accepted as true
Truth therefore is a knowledge of things as they are, as they were, and as they will be. It is objective reality - it is How things really are, How things really were, and How things will be in the future. It is not subjective based upon opinions or premises but is
absolute reality
.Truth is never wrong - in all situations, times and locations it is objective reality!
Based upon this definition... "Truth" is almost impossible to find... as described below. There is really only one source of "Truth".How then do we come to a believe in something?
All beliefs occur in an individual through the following process - and it involves evidence. Before anyone will believe or know anything they are provided "Evidence"/"Proof" that something is. This evidence is then interpreted by the individual judged of its efficacy and the implications of the knowledge described. An individual then makes a choice based upon this evidence which leads to a Belief.
1. Evidence -> 2. Interpretation -> Choice -> 3. Belief See
Lesson 1 - Book of Mormon EvidencesYou will notice that this process does not lead to "Truth" but rather leads to a "Belief" in a fact/concept or idea.
This is because by definition the individual does not actually "Know" that their interpretation of the evidence and the choice that they made which lead to their "Belief" is the correct interpretation, and therefore the correct "Choice" leading to this belief. An individual can make the wrong choice concerning the evidence that has been presented. They can make the wrong interpretation of that evidence leading to the choice to believe or not to believe.Thus the quandary an individual has in determining what is real "Truth".
The scientific method does not lead to "Truth" either.
In the scientific method - a hypothesis is proven via experiment to show that it is true/false. This by definition does not show the "Truth" of the matter but rather the results of a given experiment under a given set of circumstances. There could be and possibly is additional circumstances which would cause one's hypothesis to fail. Thus having the hypothesis not be the "Truth" of the matter.
A perfect example of this is the idea of spontaneous life generation that was believed for many years. This idea was that you take some dirt - put it in a container - and wa la life spontaneously appears in the container. This seemed to be the natural consequence of spontaneous life generation. It was only later through additional testing - sanitization of the earth etc that this was shown to be an invalid premise.
Another example is of course the idea that the earth is flat - not round or spherical. Which has been proven through empirical evidence that it is in fact a sphere.
Have you ever "Believed" something and then come to find out you had been incorrect?
Have you ever made a mistake in your interpretations and thus made a bad choice - and had your belief been at some later date shown to be incorrect?
Were these incorrect "Beliefs" Truth? (They couldn't be... for by definition the Truth is never wrong)
How then can we know the Truth - and let this truth make us free? John 8:32
There is really only one way to know "Truth". That is to be given evidence/facts and interpretation by an individual who does not believe but "Knows" that what they are showing the person is the absolute reality of the fact in question. This individual has to have a greater capacity than we do to know what reality is so that they can "Know" and not merely believe that the information they provide us is correct.
There is really only one type of individual who can do this - that is "God" a being with all knowledge. Thus the individual who has the capacity to actually tell us the "Truth" and not merely a belief. If this being does not exist - then there really is no way of truly knowing the "Truth" of any given fact! Any decision, choice, or belief an individual has not received from GOD can be in question! Thus the importance of learning the "Gift of Revelation" and the means of receiving truth from GOD.
- What if the evidence presented was in fact faulty or inaccurate in some way
- What if the interpretation of the evidence was faulty because of prejudice, inaccurate information, or any other reason
- What if I choose not to believe no matter the evidence that is presented!
- Because of any of these reasons or many others my understanding of the "Truth" is by definition limited!
I reaffirm and emphasize that:
There is no way of truly knowing what is "True" save this information is given to an individual from God, one who actually knows and can interpret and provide us the knowledge directly!
Thus the importance in knowing How we can receive this revelation from GOD and thus learn the "Truth" of a concept and no longer need to believe only, when one receives this knowledge one no longer believes he/she KNOWS that it is true.
Just a point of note here... We are not given all "Truth" during our mortal life. We have been placed upon this earth to be proven, if we will obey GOD in a state of "Belief" and not in a state of "Knowledge". Before we were born we lived in the presence of GOD and we did not use our "Faith"/"Belief" to this degree, but rather our direct knowledge of him. Now we have been placed in this earth to "Live by Faith", thus to live by belief and not in all respects by knowledge/truth. Thus you will not be given all knowledge and truth - and there will be times where you must live by Faith - and not by knowledge!
One other thing... knowledge that you gain in this manner causes an individual to be at a great advantage, and disadvantage. Knowledge is a two edged sword, it provides information it is true but the individual is also responsible for how they use/do not use this information! In some ways "Belief" can be a shield and a protection to us weak mortals as we live our lives by faith and not knowledge!
Romans 1:16-17 - the just shall live by faith
Hebrews 10:36-39 - ye have need of patience - the just shall live by faith
D&C 101:32-40 - when the lord comes he shall reveal all things - those who endure in faith - shall be saved - in patience you may obtain your souls - if the salt hath lost its savor it is good for nothing
Mosiah 4:30 - If you do not watch your selves - thoughts, words, deeds - continue in the faith you must perish - remember and perish not
Topic in the scriptures Faith.
Based upon this basis let us talk now about how we can receive revelation from GOD, and discuss the questions brought up at the beginning.
The principle of Revelation and the means by which it comes, how it can be recognized as such, and what we should do when it occurs.
Here are some resources that can help us get a basis on this doctrine:
This is perhaps one of the best sources of information on revelation it is a talk given by Elder Bednar in April 2011 General Conference
April 2011 - The spirit of revelation - David A. Bednar
Video - Bednar - Discerning Light - 2 minutes
Gift of the Holy Ghost - invites inspiration from heaven and revelation
Gradually - like the rising of the sun - slowly line upon line
A Foggy day - enough light but still not clear - step into the cloudiness is required
I Would propose that the following pattern/practice can be used to encourage personal revelation and the opening of the heavens for help!
As I pondered this gift and what I have done through my life and when I have received the most revelation... this is the pattern that I came up with. This is a means by which an individual can develop the gift of personal revelation.
- Start with the simple things -
before the important things! - Active Faith in God, Jesus Christ his son, and in the Holy Ghost
- True intent - and the idea of motive
- Revelation doesn't conflict with what the prophets/scriptures say
- A correct understanding of why/how the lord reveals things to men
- Prepare, Ponder, Pray- The pattern of spiritual revelation :)
- Record, React, and Repeat
1. Practice - Practice - Practice
As with anything in your life personal revelation requires "
". You don't expect to be an expert at the receipt of personal revelation all at once do you?Who here has played a musical instrument for over 4 years of practice? Why did I put a time minimum on this?
What is the difference in how you played at the beginning, compared to after 4 years of practice?
Why was it different?
As also with the gift of revelation, we need to practice the receipt of personal revelation until it becomes second nature to us.
The prophet Joseph Smith taught: TPJS Scanned version
“No man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelations. The Holy Ghost is a revelator.”
Go into the city - you will see a man bearing a pitcher - follow him to the house
There talk to the owner of the house - say the master have need of a guest chamber
He shall show you a large upper room furnished - there make ready!
2. Active Faith in God, Jesus Christ his son, and in the Holy Ghost - You must actually "Believe!"
As with many Spiritual Gifts - The gift of Revelation is a gift that must be sought it does not usually just come to an individual.
D&C 46:7-9
that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits or doctrines of devils or men - for some are of men and some of devils
8 beware lest ye are deceived - and that ye are not deceived seek ye earnestly the best gifts
9 they are given for the benefit of those who love me and keep all my commandments and seeketh so to do
True Intent:
Seek after this gift with a true "Belief" in one's heart that this can occur. You must not doubt - act as if you expect a result know that one will come and prepare for it. Remember to maintain the intent in your mind that you will do what you are told to do via this revelation. This is a spiritual "Gift" a gift of the mind and as such - it's receipt is based upon the state of your mind.
Revelation doesn't contradict the Prophet/Scriptures
It is contrary to the economy of God for any member of the Church or any one to receive instruction for those in authority higher than themselves. We should not give heed to anyone who does. We have the right to receive revelation for ourselves, and our family, but not for the Bishop, the Ward, the Stake, or anyone we do not have stewardship over. The Lord's house is a house of order!
We do not receive revelation that is contrary to what the prophet's and scriptures have revealed. We may get new insights, and greater views, and even new doctrine revealed to an individual, But these insights, and doctrines are for the benefit of that individual and not for the Ward, Stake, or Church. If they are to be revealed to them it will be done through the proper authority and through the proper channels of revelation and authority that are setup already. The Lord's house is a house of order!
Prepare, Ponder, and Pray - then Record, React and Repeat
Prepare yourself for revelation
- Have a standardized Practice - Ponder/Pray the same time every day - use the scriptures to review and learn
- Prepare yourself for the receipt of an answer - have a pad/pencil near you when praying/pondering
- Prepare your environment - quite environment, no distractions, music or quite
- Clear your mind - concentrate upon the topic of interest
- Read the scriptures concerning the topic/question - clear your mind of distractions and other thoughts
- Don't think about anything else - focus your mind upon the present and the topic/question - Focus/Listen/Feel
- Review your life - and confirm that your life, actions, thoughts, and deeds are in accordance to his will (if not repent)
- Pray for confirmation of the answer you have come up with
- Pray for confirmation of a choice that you have decided upon
- Pray that as you do what you have chosen that he will consecrate this action for your benefit
- Pray that as you do what you have chosen that he will help you perform as he desires
- Do not arbitrarily ask for an answer or a path - but rather ask if you do this choice is ok?, or is this the proper interpretation?
- After a time - Clear your mind of everything - and wait - with patience for your answer
- Do not be surprised when it comes
- If no confirmation/insight is received - be patient perhaps tomorrow - maintain faith and be consistant in your request (Luke 18:1-8)
- Perhaps the answer will come through what occurs today or tomorrow and isn't to be given directly to you but rather through the agency of another
- Perhaps the answer will come at a later date - so that his will is achieved be patient
- If the answer/confirmation is different than you expected - accept it with humility and change.
- Ask for forgiveness for your weaknesses and trials
- Thank him for the answers/confirmations insights that he has provided you
- Write down what you have learned
- How has this brought peace to your mind - or has it?
- If appropriate tell another person in your family what you have learned - does the spirit confirm the truth of it as you tell another?
- Thank him for his answer - and confirm what you thought you heard/understood
- Act upon the impressions choices that you have made
- Watch the day - did you learn what was going to happen before it did?
- Did you have greater "Insight" into how to prepare for your day?
- Did you obey the prompting given you - or did you forget and not act upon them?
- Do his will as given to you - that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ and - go about doing Good!
- Continue to Practice
- Make this practice of Ponder/Meditate/Pray concerning the things of God and what you should be doing
- Repent of what you have done wrong - Sanctify yourself and prepare every needful thing
- Use your social network to facilitate your "Practice" - continue to seek after this gift
I would encourage you to "Seek" for the gift of personal revelation as I am - work towards a practice of obtaining revelation and don't be surprised when it actually works :). Doubt not fear not and be believing.
Moroni 10:32-33
32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.
33 And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot.
Lets look at the questions at the beginning of the Lesson:
- How can I know when I have received a revelation and not just a thought of my own?
- Is it information you didn't know before? (this is revelation)
- Does it testify of Christ, and give greater knowledge than you knew before? (this is revelation)
- Did you feel peace - a confirmation of truth, or solidification of belief? (this is revelation)
- What greater witness can you have than from God?
- What is the difference between a prompting and a stray thought... or is there?
- Stray thoughts do not provide new powerful "Insights" they are just there
- Stray thoughts do not provide new information - you only know what you know
- Stray thoughts often don't even apply to what your asking/looking for - and are random
- What is an "Insight" or "Prompting" and how do we get them?
- An insight or a prompting encourage us to do good, to help others, to serve to testify of Christ
- a prompting always requests action to serve/help another
- They are selfless and help others - they provide pure intelligence - knowledge you didn't have before
- Do I have to have a "Burning" bosom before its revelation? What is a Burning bosom anyway?
- No - the lord works through many administrations and means
- Dreams, visions, tingles, pure intelligence in the mind, and other ways
- I have no idea whata Burning Bosom is anyway - having never experienced it ;)
- Is personal revelation "Emotion"/"Enthusiasm" based only - meaning we gain truth through "Feelings" only?
- it is different than enthusiasm - it is Joy, excitement and knowledge
- It is peace, and contentment - and encouragement to serve others
- It is charity - selfless love of others and helping them
- It makes sense it is logical, it can be explained and understood and clarifies doctrine
- It is in the heart and mind - not just the heart or just the mind
- Is knowledge through "Feelings" what we are teaching here? What is the difference?
- It is the heart and mind not just the heart or mind
- It matches current doctrine or explains that doctrine even better with greater insights
- Can the devil place thoughts in our mind as well - how do we know the difference?
- Yes he can
- Did the thought cause fear - which is a lack of faith then it is not of God
- Did the thought cause anger - which is the basis of Pride - Emnity toward God and Man - it is not of God
- Did the thought encourage sin - or rebellion against God - it is not of God
- Did the thought encourage you to hide - conceal - or deceive another - it is not of God
- These are the trademarks of the devil and his words - flee from them
- Is personal revelation a "Subjective personal experience" or a means to gain truth?
- It is a subjective personal experience - it cannot be shared with another - and it is a means to gain truth!
- It is a means by which an individual gains truth - through the spirit (Through study - and by faith - this is faith)
- it is not empiracle - it cannot be proved - it can be consistently repeated - but it is of faith - and not of proof to another
Here are some interesting quotes concerning personal revelation:
Church News - 6 Sept 2013
The key to receiving revelation, said Brother Hinckley, is found in Doctrine and Covenants 8:2, “Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.” When individuals receive a prompting it whispers to both heart and mind, he said. It comes in two layers, mind and heart. “If we are only receiving inspiration to one, I would hesitate,” he added.
Using a quote from Brigham Young, Brother Hinckley explained more about personal revelation: “There is no doubt, if a person lives according to the revelations given to God’s people, he may have the Spirit of God to signify to him His will, and to guide him and direct him in the discharge of his duties, in his temporal as well as his spiritual exercises. I am satisfied however, that in this respect, we live far beneath our privileges.”
One of the reasons people don’t get answers is because they are not willing to follow the answer, said Brother Hinckley. “Sometimes we are trying to tell the doctor both the diagnosis and the treatment.” We need to know His will so we can receive His answers.
When it is for the Lord’s purposes, He can bring anything to our remembrance. That should not weaken our determination to record impressions of the Spirit. Inspiration carefully recorded shows God that His communications are sacred to us. Recording will also enhance our ability to recall revelation. Such recording of direction of the Spirit should be protected from loss or intrusion by others.
One must be ever mentally and physically clean and have purity of intent so that the Lord can inspire. One who is obedient to His commandments is trusted of the Lord. That individual has access to His inspiration to know what to do and, as needed, the divine power to do it.
2003 New Era - How can I tell the difference between inspiration and my own thoughts?
Remember to be patient. The Lord doesn’t always answer quickly. Sometimes He responds after much study and prayer. Sometimes He even lets us solve a problem on our own.
Perhaps the most important thing you can do is live worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Like a radio, you cannot experience “clear reception” if some part of your life is out of order. As you become more pure through keeping the commandments and repenting of sin, your ability to receive and recognize spiritual prompting will increase.
The teachings of the Spirit often come as feelings. That fact is of the utmost importance, yet some misunderstand what it means” (Ensign, March 1997, 13). —Elder Dallin H. Oaks Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
7. How do I tell the difference between promptings and my own thoughts?
"I think we overcomplicate this," Elder Bednar said. He said, "All good emanates from Christ, so if you have a thought to do something good, it's prompted by the Holy Ghost." Going on, he said, "If it invites and entices to do good, it comes from Christ, and we ought to do it."
In cases where we're making decisions, and the answer is less clear, Elder Bednar explained that we have to study our options out in our minds. Learn about the two options, understand them, and compare them. Then, when you've made a choice, take it in prayer to Heavenly Father. "If it's right, then over time we'll come to know through the simple assurance of the Holy Ghost that this is the thing to do." He added that no member will fail to be warned when they start on a bad path, and "most answers from the Holy Ghost come a little bit at a time." Persistence is key in slowly understanding the will of Heavenly Father.
Sister Bednar shared a scripture that answered this question for her, Moroni 7:13. "But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God."
The Holy Ghost uses a still, small voice to communicate to our hearts and minds. D&C 8:2-3; 85:6. Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught: "Visions do happen. Voices are heard from beyond the veil. I know this. But these experiences are exceptional…Most of the revelation that comes to leaders and members of the Church comes by the still, small voice or by a feeling rather than by a vision or a voice that speaks specific words we can hear. I testify to the reality of that kind of revelation, which I have come to know as a familiar, even daily, experience to guide me in the work of the Lord." (Ensign, Mar 1997, 14)
Elder Boyd K. Packer taught: "These delicate, refined spiritual communications are not seen with our eyes nor heard with our ears. And even though it is described as a voice, it is a voice that one feels more than one hears." (That All May Be Edified [1982], 335)
Elder Dallin H. Oaks cautioned: "Some [people] have looked exclusively for the great manifestations that are recorded in the scriptures and have failed to recognize the still, small voice that is given to them…We need to know that the Lord rarely speaks loudly. His messages almost always come in a whisper…. Not understanding these principles of revelation, some people postpone acknowledging their testimony until they have experienced a miraculous event. They fail to realize that with most people…gaining a testimony is not an event but a process." (Ensign, Mar. 1997, 11-12, 14)
D&C 6:15; 11: 13-14. The Holy Ghost enlightens our minds. He gives us new ideas or insights. He provides flashes of insight and strong impressions
D&C 6:22-23 The Holy Ghost brings peace to our minds. Oliver Cowdrey received a peaceful assurance of the divine calling of Joseph Smith.
D&C 9:7-8 The Holy Ghost may cause a burning in our bosoms. Pres. Boyd K. Packer explained: "This burning in the bosom is not purely a physical sensation. It is more like a warm light shining within your being" (Ensign, Nov 1994, 60)
Elder Dallin H. Oaks said: "I have met persons who told me they have never had a witness from the Holy Ghost because they have never felt their bosom 'burn within' them. What does a 'burning in the bosom' mean? Does it need to be a feeling of caloric heat, like the burning produced by combustion? If that is the meaning, I have never had a burning in the bosom. Surely, the word 'burning' in this scripture signifies a feeling of comfort and serenity." (Ensign, Mar 1997, 13)
“Some [people] have looked exclusively for the great manifestations that are recorded in the scriptures and have failed to recognize the still, small voice that is given to them. … We need to know that the Lord rarely speaks loudly. His messages almost always come in a whisper. …
“Not understanding these principles of revelation, some people postpone acknowledging their testimony until they have experienced a miraculous event. They fail to realize that with most people … gaining a testimony is not an event but a process” (Ensign, Mar. 1997, 11–12, 14).
The First Presidency said: “When … inspiration conveys something out of harmony with the accepted revelations of the Church or contrary to the decisions of its constituted authorities, Latter-day Saints may know that it is not of God, no matter how plausible it may appear. … Anything at discord with that which comes from God through the head of the Church is not to be received as authoritative or reliable” (in James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6 vols. [1965–75], 4:285).
Elder Boyd K. Packer counseled:
“Sometimes you may struggle with a problem and not get an answer. What could be wrong? It may be that you are not doing anything wrong. It may be that you have not done the right things long enough. Remember, you cannot force spiritual things. Sometimes we are confused simply because we won’t take no for an answer. …
“Put difficult questions in the back of your minds and go about your lives. Ponder and pray quietly and persistently about them.
“The answer may not come as a lightning bolt. It may come as a little inspiration here and a little there, ‘line upon line, precept upon precept’ (D&C 98:12).
“Some answers will come from reading the scriptures, some from hearing speakers. And, occasionally, when it is important, some will come by very direct and powerful inspiration. The promptings will be clear and unmistakable” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1979, 29–30; or Ensign, Nov. 1979, 21).
“I would … caution you that you cannot receive a one-sided revelation from God in regards to an eternal marriage. Only as both parties feel the same way can you have the assurance that it is from the Lord. Those who try to force another’s free will into their supposed-revelation mold are doing a great disservice to themselves and to their friends” (“What Are You Doing Here?” New Era, Jan. 1987, 37–38).
Share President Joseph F. Smith’s account of how he received his testimony:
“When I as a boy first started out in the ministry, I would frequently go out and ask the Lord to show me some marvelous thing, in order that I might receive a testimony. But the Lord withheld marvels from me, and showed me the truth, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, until he made me to know the truth from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, and until doubt and fear had been absolutely purged from me. He did not have to send an angel from the heavens to do this, nor did he have to speak with the trump of an archangel. By the whisperings of the still small voice of the Spirit of the living God, he gave to me the testimony I possess. And by this principle and power he will give to all the children of men a knowledge of the truth” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. [1939], 7).