John the Baptist
Teaching of Prophet Joseph Smith - John The Baptist
Ensign Sept 1972 John The Baptist Robert J. Matthews
Mission of John the Baptist:
Isaiah 40:3-5
Voice of one crying in the wilderness
Prepare ye the way of the Lord
Make his paths straight
Valley exalted
Mountains made low
Crooked straight and rough plain
Glory of the Lord Revealed - all shall see it
Mouth of the Lord has spoken it
How did John overthrow the kingdom of the Jews?
- Rebukes hypocrisy Luke 3:8-9, Math 3:7-9
- Recognized by people as prophets Math 3:4-5
- Rebukes Pharisees and Saducees Math 3:7-9
- Preachers Repentance / Baptism - Gift of the Holy Ghost Math 3:11, Luke 3:16
- Many other unrecorded things - Luke 3:18
- Wrested Authority from Jewish Leaders
- TPJS Quote - Why John is one of the greatest prophets
Luke 1:76-80
Go before the Lord
Give knowledge of salvation - remission of sins
light unto those in darkness
D&C 84:26-28
26 Lesser priesthood preparatory gospel - ministering angels
27 Gospel of Repentance & Baptism - remission of sins
Until John - "It has an end!"
John filled with Holy ghost from womb
28 Baptized in childhood
Ordained by angel of God at 8 days old unto this power:
Overthrow the kingdom of the Jews
Make straight the way of the lord
Prepare them for Jesus - who has all power
How did John prepare the people for Jesus Christ
Mathew 3:4-12
Luke 3:7-16
What does it mean to be Baptized by fire
3 Nephi 9:20
Why did Jesus need baptism?
Was it for the remission of sins?
3 Nephi 31:6-12
6 Know ye not that he was holy
7 witness to the father - obedience
9 straightness of the way - narrowness of the gate
10,12 example
11 it was a commandment
What Covenants do we make at baptism:
D&C 20:37
Take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ
Serve him to the end
repent/remission of sins - manifest works
received into church
Mosiah 18:8-10
8 bear burdens, called his people
9 mourn with others, comfort others,
witness of god in all places
10 serve him and keep commandments
Key to the receipt of the Holy ghost is the ordination for the gift
Quote by Joseph Smith
Keywords and signs of the priesthood
Keywords Baptism - Key to receipt of the gift of the Holy Ghost
Sign - repentance and baptism
Power - Gift of the Holy Ghost
Did baptism begin with John? No
Moses 6;51-52 Gospel given to Adm
Pharasees and Saducees didn't wonder what he was doing!
Mosiah 18:10 waters of Mormon
Leviticus 14:9,15 - purification via washing
Math 3:13-17
14 John forbade him - I hav eneed to be baptised of thee
15 Suffer it to be so now - fulfill all righteousness
16 Jesus went immediately out of water
heavens opened - spirit descends like a dove
lighting upon him
17 voice from heaven this is my beloved son
Gospel of Repentance - prepares an individual for the receipt of the Holy Ghost.
Life of John the Baptist:
Father - Zacharias high priest
Birth - Foreordained and prophesied
Luke 1:5-25
Isaiah 40:3
Malachi 3:1
Mark 1:1-7 Grew up in the Desert
D&C 84:27-28 - baptized 8 days old - full of Holy Ghost from Mother's Womb
unto the power to overthrow the kingdom of the Jews
In preparation for the coming of of Jesus
D&C 13 Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood
JSH 1:68-72
D&C 27:7-8 Filled with the spirit of Elias - the forerunner
Mark 6:17-25 Beheaded because of Herodias