Angels are:
1. Spirits of Men who have not yet been born or who have lived on the earth and died who visit the Earth as messengers of GOD.
2. Men who are sent and called by GOD as a messenger to deliver messages to people of the earth.
3. Men who have been taken by GOD and who are not dead... but alive somehow but are used as messengers.
First I will state that man existed as a spirit before the world was and was in the presence of GOD.
The following scriptures show this:
Hebrews 12:9-10 Fathers of our flesh - which corrected us - and be subject to the father of the spirits.
Titus 1:1-2 Hope for eternal life promised before the world began
Acts 17:28-29 We are the offspring of God - The Godhead is like us not like an Idol
Eclesiastes 12:7 Dust return to earth - and spirit shall return to God who gave it life.
GOD promised us the hope of eternal life before the world began. How could he have done this? (promised us the hope of eternal life)
if we did not even exist at that time. Did he promise that all his spirit children that did not yet exist would have the
the hope of eternal life? If so... who did he promise it to? Since no one existed... he couldn't promise anyone? Thus
we must have existed as his spirit children and he promised us the hope of eternal life.
Notice that the word is return... which means we originally came from GOD when we were born. Thus we must
have existed as spirts before we were born. Furthermore, we were promised before the world began that
we might have a hope for eternal life.
Jerimiah 1:4-6
4 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
6 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.
The LORD knew Jerimiah before he was born because he was a spirit in the presence of GOD and GOD knew him.
Ok... That gets us to the point that the spirit children of GOD namely us were created before the earth was
created and that GOD promised us the hope of eternal life.
So... how does that relate to Angels?? you may ask...
When we existed in the Presence of GOD there was a WAR in heaven. Not a physical war... but a war of ideas.
Namely the idea of Agency.. the ability to choose.
Satan who was also in the presence of GOD rebelled against GOD and was fallen.
Revelation 12:3-9 dragon drew 1/3 part of stars of heaven and cast them to the earth - angels fought against dragon they were cast out
2nd Peter 2:4 God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell
Hebrews 1:13-14 to which of the angels did he say I will make thine enemies thy footstool - are they not ministering spirits to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation?
Hebrews 1:6-7 Let all the angels worship the first begotten
Isaiah 14:10-20 the devil's prid is brought down to the grave as the worm - O lucifer how art thou fallen
1. Spirits of Men who have not yet been born or who have lived on the earth and died who visit the Earth as messengers of GOD.
2. Men who are sent and called by GOD as a messenger to deliver messages to people of the earth.
3. Men who have been taken by GOD and who are not dead... but alive somehow but are used as messengers.
First I will state that man existed as a spirit before the world was and was in the presence of GOD.
The following scriptures show this:
Hebrews 12:9-10 Fathers of our flesh - which corrected us - and be subject to the father of the spirits.
Titus 1:1-2 Hope for eternal life promised before the world began
Acts 17:28-29 We are the offspring of God - The Godhead is like us not like an Idol
Eclesiastes 12:7 Dust return to earth - and spirit shall return to God who gave it life.
GOD promised us the hope of eternal life before the world began. How could he have done this? (promised us the hope of eternal life)
if we did not even exist at that time. Did he promise that all his spirit children that did not yet exist would have the
the hope of eternal life? If so... who did he promise it to? Since no one existed... he couldn't promise anyone? Thus
we must have existed as his spirit children and he promised us the hope of eternal life.
Notice that the word is return... which means we originally came from GOD when we were born. Thus we must
have existed as spirts before we were born. Furthermore, we were promised before the world began that
we might have a hope for eternal life.
Jerimiah 1:4-6
4 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
6 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.
The LORD knew Jerimiah before he was born because he was a spirit in the presence of GOD and GOD knew him.
Ok... That gets us to the point that the spirit children of GOD namely us were created before the earth was
created and that GOD promised us the hope of eternal life.
So... how does that relate to Angels?? you may ask...
When we existed in the Presence of GOD there was a WAR in heaven. Not a physical war... but a war of ideas.
Namely the idea of Agency.. the ability to choose.
Satan who was also in the presence of GOD rebelled against GOD and was fallen.
Revelation 12:3-9 dragon drew 1/3 part of stars of heaven and cast them to the earth - angels fought against dragon they were cast out
2nd Peter 2:4 God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell
Hebrews 1:13-14 to which of the angels did he say I will make thine enemies thy footstool - are they not ministering spirits to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation?
Hebrews 1:6-7 Let all the angels worship the first begotten
Isaiah 14:10-20 the devil's prid is brought down to the grave as the worm - O lucifer how art thou fallen
You said in your heart I will ascend unto heaven and exalt my throne above the stars of God
I will be like the most High
Yet you shall be brought down to hell - and they shall narrowly look upon thee
All the kings of the nations lie in glory - a resurrected body of some sort - but you ar cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch!
I will be like the most High
Yet you shall be brought down to hell - and they shall narrowly look upon thee
All the kings of the nations lie in glory - a resurrected body of some sort - but you ar cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch!
So The Devil and his angels 1/3 of the Hosts of heaven... 1/3 of our Heavenly Father's children were cast out
because they rebelled against GOD and his plan and promise for us. Whereas 2/3 of the Hosts of heaven,
the spirit children of GOD, his Angels, were not cast out... but were rather sent to Earth to obtain a Body.
And thus became Men on earth... Jesus being his first begotten son in the flesh.
Thus the Devil and his angels will not be in the grave... and will not have a glorious resurrection because of the
atonement of Christ.
Specific Angels and who they are: 7 archangels
Human Name: Noah - "Rest"
Other Names:
Human Name: Adam - ""
Other Names: The Archangel, prince
Human Name:
Other Names:
Uriel - "God is my Light"
Human Name:
Other Names:Phanuel - "Turn to God"
2 Edras 4:1 - Angel sent to Esdras in vision to speak with him (Esdras may also be Ezra)
Uriel who taught astronomy to Enoch - A Strange thing in the Land - March 1977
Human Name:
Other Names:
Human Name:
Other Names:
Human Name:
Other Names:
Human Name:
Other Names:
Testament of Solomon -
3 Enoch
From Apocryphal Writings and Scripture (1 Enoch 20:1-8,, , , , )