Who was Eve
What we know outline
Gen 2-4
Eve was unique in that she was created from the flesh of another - we would call this a clone
She lived with her husband Adam naked and unashamed in the Garden of Eden - for an undisclosed period of time - it could have been billions of years...
A man and a woman should be unified, and leave their parents to be in this union.
She was created because it was not "Good" that Adam be alone. All the other creatures had male/female counterparts - Adam did not. Thus it was not "good" for him to be alone.
She was created as the final and glorious creation - the capstone to the creation of the earth.
She was formed in the image of God - God has a female image
She was also given dominion over all the creatures of the earth
Did God tell them not to touch the tree either? Eve seems to say that he did.
Her purpose was told her - she was a helper fit for him.
A Helper is a companion, an equal partner with him - The Hebrew word for helper is not belittling for it describes in many cases God himself. Psalms 33:20, 70:5
She was created to compliment Adam - to perfect him as he was for her
She was made from his rib - not from his head to lord over him, or his feet to follow in subject - but from his rib the protection of that which keeps him alive - his equal partner.
Eve chose to believe Satan and take the forbidden fruit so that she could have knowledge
They hid from God when he came to visit them
Eve gave birth to many individuals
One of whom was Abel, and another of whom was Cain
She took solace in Seth after Abel slew Cain
Who was Eve?
She is the mother of the human race - there is only one MOTHER of the human race physically this is her.
Her name meant the "Mother of All Living" - This name was given to her after the fall - and after they were cursed...
She was a "Woman" - for she was flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone and was taken out of man.
She was in a physical form and sinless before God. There have only been three people we know of in this state - Adam, Eve, and Jesus the Christ.
She misrepresented God's words in her conversation with the serpent? - check on this...
She took the fruit and purposefully gave the fruit to Adam so that he could enter into the same condition that she was in.
What can we learn from Eve
We can learn from our failures and not be defined by them.
Sometimes knowledge in and of itself isn't good - it is the proper knowledge and the use of that knowledge that saves.
She freely admitted to God what she had done and placed herself before him for judgment - after first hiding
They were cast out of the Garden of Eden - so they would not partake of the tree of life and live forever
We learn from this that although we are punished for our own sins and not for Adams transgression our choices effect our children, their state in which they are born, and the possibilities that they have in this life