Here are my ideas concerning the topic of Evolution:
Research Guide to Evolution - evolution-research
I will not discount scientific truth/evidence for what it is. The evidence for evolution is incredibly strong and robust. It comes from many different branches of science and they rather strongly show and we have empirical evidence that speciation can and does occur through evolutionary processes.
I believe all that God has revealed and that he will yet reveal many great and important things concerning the kingdom of God, the creation of the earth, and how and by what means these things occurred. i.e. How the evidence, and data is/should be interpreted so that we come up with the correct knowledge about what actually happened. Until that time I have a few issues with evolution as taught today as stated below:
When Adam and Eve were created and placed in the Garden of Eden they were in the following state:
#1 They were immortal and would not die.
(Gen 2:15-17, Romans 5:12, Romans 6:23,1 Cor 15:21-23)
Apocryphal: 1 Epistle of clementine to Corinthians
20:2 but to man, who had been disobedient to God, and being cast off from immortality, then obtained mercy
21:10 For as by one man's disobedience sin entered, and death obtained [a place] through sin; so also by the
obedience of one man, righteousness having been introduced, shall cause life to fructify in those persons who in
times past were dead.
#2 They were in a state of innocence - and could have no children.
(Gen 2:25, Gen 3:5)
They could not commit sin - sin requires knowledge
(2 Nephi 2:23,Mosiah 3:16, Mosiah 15:25,Moroni 8:8-24,D&C 29:46-47,D&C 74:7,D&C 137:10)
#3 They were in the presence of God - God came and talked with them.
Therefore, in the beginning God created Adam and eve and they were placed in the garden of Eden in a state of immortality, and innocence. As such they were not in a state of being whereby they could die, or have children.
When the fall of Adam occurred this all changed...
The state of Adam and eve changed... they became mortal, and they gained knowledge of Good and Evil. They became able to bear children and thus the situation was prepared for the souls of men to be born into their temporal existence according to the plan of God prepared before the foundation of the world. The fall of man was planned for and prepared for... and its occurrence was a condition whereby mankind as a whole could progress.
Furthermore, because man became fallen there of necessity came a need to provide a means whereby mankind could be saved from these situations... namely Death (the death of the body), and Hell the separation of God and the uncleanliness of sin.
One of the main purposes of the atonement of Jesus Christ is to overcome death and sin.
Death is overcome through the universal Resurrection that all mankind will receive.(Isa 25:8, 1 Cor 15:54, Hosea 13:14, 2 Tim 1:10)
Sin is overcome by the atonement of Jesus Christ and his preparations for all mankind to receive a remission of their sins through obedience to his law.
Therefore my difficulty with the theory of evolution as taught by science today in accordance with the data that they have seen.
If Evolution as Taught today is correct and interpreted as it is today then:
#1 Death has always been present upon the earth. Each individual creature has been in a state of endless modification and change from the creation of the earth even up to its present state. At first glance you may think that this does not pose a difficulty at all... but consider:
If death has always been present upon the earth.. then the fall of man did not really occur. For the fall of man was a change of state from an immortal existence to a mortal existence.
If the fall never occurred... then sin must have needs been always present as well, or there really is no sin... For could we not merely be considered as mere creatures accidentally created by physical laws and there be no creator at all? If then this is the case... then could not the idea of a good and evil be merely created by us creatures as a means of self preservation?
#2 Then creatures have been developing throughout time based upon the natural strength and ability of the individual. The destruction of one species and the development of another cannot be considered Bad, or Good. It is merely the result of existing physical laws and their results on the environment.
In fact.. the reality of a real "Good" is put into question.... furthermore, the reality of a "Creator" or "God" is also placed in doubt.
#3 Then this idea/theory can be used as a twisted justification for evil actions... consider:
Who then is to say that the destruction of an ethnic group of humans would not be for the benefit of mankind? Would this not be an evolution of the species by the destruction of one group who was unable to protect itself? Thus the strong survive and the weak are made extinct...
See Also Atheism and the implications of this belief.
In conclusion my difficulty with evolution as it is taught today lies with the reality that these ideas directly conflict with the atonement of Jesus Christ. For without a doubt if this were the true history of the world then there was no need for the atonement of Jesus Christ because:
#1 The fall never happened - sin never entered the world and in effect if there is such a thing it has always existed here
#2 The fall never happened - death has always been, and thus what is the need for overcoming it?
I believe in the fall of man:
I believe that Adam was created as an immortal body housing an immortal spirit.
I believe that Death was not on the earth until after the fall of man.
I believe that Because of the fall of man knowledge of good and evil, as well as death entered the world.
Because of this fact, all mankind are fallen, all mankind are separated from God and commit sins.
Thus the need for the atonement of Jesus Christ.
The atonement of Jesus Christ allows Justice, and Mercy to be brought to bear on individuals.
No-one is punished for Adams transgression - save Adam.
All are resurrected and receive their immortal and eternal bodies - they are not punished with death.
All are brought once again into the presence of God to be judged of their own actions
All may also receive the benifit of the atonement and receive a remission of ones sins.
The theory of evolution as taught today destroys the need or requirement for an atonement, and in fact justifies mankind in committing any act. For under this theory there cannot be a Good, Evil... but merely the strength of the creature.
However, I will not and cannot discount the evidence... I merely refuse to believe that science has it completely right yet :) There is a lot more coming - and I think we will be surprised by what that knowledge is.