The Early Church It's Organization and Strcutre

AD 379 Jerome states: "There can be no Christian community without its ministers" 
Jerome Dialogus "contra"Luciferanos" 21, in The Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, ed.Philip
Schaff and Henry Wace (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing!Company, 1989), 6:331.[0]=AZVDWahOTbjraJ2894ZEPikhJkGG9gzlDkuuWXQHB2hBWfwhlA70Jhdj3f9Cikly-LEqPgqx2gMTCLzu-yVrYi6j5hqGYgI6Yp1tKVdU8xz9Z0i8SAdiLZELJ7A0xIAG7d0&__tn__=R]-R

Luke 9:1-2, Acts 2:37-38, Mark 13:34, 2 Cor 10:8,
How could they baptize they were not of the tribe of Levi, nor of Aaron. How then were they authorized to baptize. John was of the house of Aaron.... he was authorized. They were authorized by Jesus Christ.
That authority was needed is clearly taught:
Mark 11:28-29, Math 21:23-24, Mark 1:22, John 5:27, Luke 20:2, Math 7:29, Luke 4:36
The scriptures are laid before you. They testify of him, that he is the Son of God, that he authorizes his servants that he sends them forth to preach, teach, exhort and baptize. That he continues to do so today.
Perhaps a reading of the writings of the early Fathers - say Jerome?
"151. Lastly, God set apostles. Those whom God set in the Church, Christ chose and ordained to be apostles, and sent them into the world, saying : "Go ye into all the world, and preach the (jospel to the whole creation. He that shall l)elieve and be bap- tized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe. In My Name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up ser- pents, and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."} You see the Father and Christ also set teachers in the Churches ; and as the Father gives the gift of healings, so, too, does the Son give ; as the Father gives the gift of tongues, so, too, has the Son also granted it."
Yet again perhaps... just common sense may come into play at some point. Then again perhaps not.... if it destroys the craft of those who would oppose it.

There is no dearth of scripture concerning the use of the laying on of hands for both ordination, the receipt of the gift of the Holy Ghost, as well as for the blessing of individuals:
Mark 10:13-16, Luke 4:40, Acts 28:8,
Holy Ghost Acts 8:17, 19:6,Heb 6:2
Ordination - Setting apart of individuals
Acts 6:Acts 13: 1 Tim 4:14, 2 Tim 1:6, 1 Tim 5:22

Tim tell me this - what is their office then? Did they have one?
Were they just disciples? Or were they something else?
I wonder... does it start with the letter A?
Is that different than a normal disciple? If so how?

What is an Elder Tim? Is that but a disciple? How does an elder become a Deacon?
Was it not through the laying on of hands? Acts 6:5-8

Some have claimed that there is nothing that needed restoration.  That Joseph Smith did not restore any doctrine that we did not already have and believe.
Yet this claim is easily refuted - consider the doctrine of the harrowing of hell.

Current Reformist Christians refuse to accept and believe the idea that Jesus Christ not only went into Sheol/Hades/Hell but actually taught the gospel there, and that there is salvation for the dead.  However this is not a new doctrine, not at all.  But instead is a restoration of a doctrine previously believed and taught by the early fathers of Christianity.  See the following - with links so you can prove it yourself of course.

These verses don’t fit in well with the Protestant dogma sola fide (justification by faith alone) which gives heavy emphasis to the penal atonement model of salvation. Yet what we see here is a strand of biblical teaching that began in the Old Testament, is reiterated by Christ, and expounded by the two preeminent Apostles: Peter and Paul.  

What does the Bible Teach concerning this doctrine:
Eph 4:9, 1 Peter 3:19-20, 1 Peter 4:6,

Here is the witness of the church fathers concerning this same doctrine.

Irenaeus of Lyons (died c. 200), one of the earliest Church Fathers, in Against Heresies 4.27.2 (ANF Vol. 1 p. 499) paraphrases 1 Peter 3:19-20:

"2. It was for this reason, too, that the Lord descended into the regions beneath the earth, preaching His advent there also, and [declaring] the remission of sins received by those who believe in Him. 1 Peter 3:19-20. Now all those believed in Him who had hope towards Him, that is, those who proclaimed His advent, and submitted to His dispensations, the righteous men, the prophets, and the patriarchs, to whom He remitted sins in the same way as He did to us, which sins we should not lay to their charge, if we would not despise the grace of God. For as these men did not impute unto us (the Gentiles) our transgressions, which we wrought before Christ was manifested among us, so also it is not right that we should lay blame upon those who sinned before Christ's coming. For all men come short of the glory of God, and are not justified of themselves, but by the advent of the Lord, — they who earnestly direct their eyes towards His light. And it is for our instruction that their actions have been committed to writing, that we might know, in the first place, that our God and theirs is one, and that sins do not please Him although committed by men of renown; and in the second place, that we should keep from wickedness. For if these men of old time, who preceded us in the gifts [bestowed upon them], and for whom the Son of God had not yet suffered, when they committed any sin and served fleshly lusts, were rendered objects of such disgrace, what shall the men of the present day suffer, who have despised the Lord's coming, and become the slaves of their own lusts? And truly the death of the Lord became [the means of] healing and remission of sins to the former, but Christ shall not die again on behalf of those who now commit sin, for death shall no more have dominion over Him; but the Son shall come in the glory of the Father, requiring from His stewards and dispensers the money which He had entrusted to them, with usury; and from those to whom He had given most shall He demand most. We ought not, therefore, as that presbyter remarks, to be puffed up, nor be severe upon those of old time, but ought ourselves to fear, lest perchance, after [we have come to] the knowledge of Christ, if we do things displeasing to God, we obtain no further forgiveness of sins, but be shut out from His kingdom. And therefore it was that Paul said, For if [God] spared not the natural branches, [take heed] lest He also spare not you, who, when you were a wild olive tree, were grafted into the fatness of the olive tree, and were made a partaker of its fatness."

Cyril of Jerusalem (c. 310-386) in his catechetical lectures taught Christ’s descent into Hell to redeem the righteous.
"11.  He was truly laid as Man in a tomb of rock; but rocks were rent asunder by terror because of Him.  He went down into the regions beneath the earth, that thence also He might redeem the righteous685.  For, tell me, couldst thou wish the living only to enjoy His grace, and that, though most of them are unholy; and not wish those who from Adam had for a long while been imprisoned to have now gained their liberty?  Esaias the Prophet proclaimed with loud voice so many things concerning Him; wouldst thou not wish that the King should go down and redeem His herald?  David was there, and Samuel, and all the Prophets686, John himself also, who by his messengers said, Art thou He that should come, or look we for another687?  Wouldst thou not wish that He should descend and redeem such as these?"

Cyril of Jerusalem Lecture 14
" for I have many testimonies of this, both from the Divine Scriptures, and from the operative power even at this day of Him who arose — who descended into hell alone, but ascended thence with a great company; for He went down to death, and many bodies of the saints which slept arose Matthew 27:52 through Him."

Ambrose of Milan (c. 339-397) in On the Christian Faith related Christ’s two natures to his descent into Hell:
"111. But it may be objected that the mention of His substance is the consequence of His Incarnation. I have shown that the word “substance” is used more than once, and that not in the sense of inherited possessions, as you would construe it. Now, if it please you, let us grant that, in accordance with the mystic prophecy, the substance of Christ was present in the underworld—for truly He did exert His power in the lower world to set free, in the soul which animated His own body, the souls of the dead, to loose the bands of death, to remit sins"

Gregory of Nazianzen (330-389) in his Second Oration on Easter (Orations 45.24) declared:
"And if, like a Thomas, you were left out when the disciples were assembled to whom Christ shows Himself, when you do see Him be not faithless; and if you do not believe, then believe those who tell you; and if you cannot believe them either, then have confidence in the print of the nails. If He descend into Hell, 1 Peter 3:19 descend with Him. Learn to know the mysteries of Christ there also, what is the providential purpose of the twofold descent, to save all men absolutely by His manifestation, or there too only them that believe."